Page 8 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 8

Mr Modi has cultivated an international           it didn’t succeed as much as it would have
         image as a leader who means business               liked. The answer is simple: they need
         and has successfully established personal          individuals who can provide an unbiased
         rapport with many global leaders. One              perspective and perhaps take a fresh look
         of his key achievements has been the               at themselves. I am certain they have done
         improvement of India’s relationships               much introspection on this verdict.
         with major world powers such as the                 The 2024 election results have slightly
         United States, Russia, Japan, the UK,              dented Mr Modi’s image. What has now
         and the European Union. His focus on               emerged is a strong Opposition. The nation
         strengthening ties with Southeast Asian            has a new generation of young politicians
         countries has been a notable success. The          who will mature into responsible leaders
         G20 Summit, BRICS, and other forums                when their time comes.
         have seen Mr Modi’s leadership enable
         India to play a prominent role in global
         governance, advocating for critical issues
         such as climate change and sustainable
         development. His achievements have
         secured his position on the global stage,
         and his vision for a more prosperous and                                                            Image Courtsey: X
         self-reliant India has inspired millions.
          However, certain issues have tarnished
         his reputation, such as the farmers’                Rahul Gandhi is Destiny’s Child. In India,
         protests, the JNU students’ uprising,              political leaders often teach their children
         the Shaheen Bagh protest, and the                  the ropes of politics. Unfortunately for
         ensuing conflicts. It is important to note         Rahul, his father passed away too early
         that these issues are complex and that             and could not groom him in the ways of
         opinions on them vary. These downers               the world. It is worth recalling that Rajiv
         notwithstanding, Mr Modi’s legacy as one           Gandhi was not even his mother Indira
         of India’s most influential and impactful          Gandhi’s political heir; she had groomed
         leaders is undeniable. A large segment of          Sanjay for that role, which fate intervened
         India’s middle class remains his ardent            to prevent.
         supporters, and for every argument                  The BJP’s social media machine
         against him, there is a hailstorm of               successfully portrayed Rahul Gandhi in a
         arguments in his favour. Such is Mr Modi’s         poor light, effectively branding him with
         popularity that even close friends might           the nickname ‘Pappu’. Now, ‘Pappu’, as
         find themselves at odds over him.                  I know it, is a very common pet name for
          Despite winning the election, the NDA             Pradeep in North India. Pappu, Babbu,
         must engage in some soul-searching to              Bittu, Pinky, Chuttu, Happy, Lovely,
         understand why it failed to connect with           Guddu  –  all are very common pet names
         the younger generation. The BJP is an              in North India – Punjab and most of the
         election-winning machine, fighting every           Hindi-speaking regions. After the Cadbury
         election with all its might, employing every       advertisement ‘Pappu pass ho gaya’, the
         strategy within and beyond the book, yet           association of ‘Pappu’ with idiocy stuck,

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