Page 9 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 9

colouring his persona with that tint. Only          voter for granted. It is perhaps for the best
        in the past couple of years, thanks to his          that the INDIA coalition did not form the
        Bharat Jodo Yatra and the mentorship of             government; it would likely have collapsed
        Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge,              before it even came into existence. Rahul
        has he managed to shake off the ‘Pappu’             Gandhi and the other young Turks will
        tag.                                                mature and learn valuable lessons in the
          Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav, Tejaswi             Opposition.
        Yadav, Aditya Thackeray, and many                    Yet another factor that has emerged from
        other young leaders have learned how                this election is the role of alternative digital
        to fight elections. But merely winning an           media. The mainstream media seems to
        election or putting up a strong fight is not        have lost credibility as a source of accurate
        enough; they must learn to be a productive          information or opinion on the government,
        Opposition and chart a roadmap for                  and voices like Ravish Kumar, Dhruv
        progress. The mandate given to them is not          Rathee, Ajit Anjum, and many others have
        just for political drama and conflict. They         found a receptive audience. This can be
        must choose their battles wisely, refraining        attributed to the perception that many in
        from attacking the government on every              the mainstream media have suppressed the
        minor issue or attempting to destabilise it.        voice of the Opposition.
          While it is the Opposition’s duty to hold          The fact that many voices critical of the
        the government accountable, constant                government gained traction suggests that
        bickering and nitpicking can quickly erode          there was a desire for these viewpoints to
        their credibility. This is an opportunity to        be heard. Many in the Hindi print media
        deliver real work that benefits the nation          twisted facts or omitted them entirely.
        rather than turning this parliamentary              YouTube videos and other short-form
        term into a perpetual boxing match                  content have become highly influential
        between the government and themselves.              agents of change. Covering a wide range
                                                            of topics—from entertainment and
                                                          Image courtesy:  controversial content—these formats
                                                            education to fashion, politics, and even

                                                            provide an unfiltered voice for the country.
                                                            With our increasing reliance on mobile
                                                            phones, these media formats are ideal for
                                                            casual browsing, and their impact is far-
                                                            reaching. Communication has evolved,
                                                            and this alternative media played a
                                                            significant role in the 2024 election. The
          Striking the right balance between                power of this medium lies in its resistance
         decisiveness and consensus will ensure             to being countered; one can choose to like,
         that the government and the Opposition             dislike, ignore, or share it, but there is no
         work together to achieve comprehensive             arguing with it. It conveys its message with
         progress and meet the expectations of              precision, and its shareability allows it to
         the people. Complacency could prove                be rapidly circulated, making it even more
         detrimental; no one must take the Indian           potent.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #62 | AUGUST 2024                                                             9
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