Page 35 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 35
Scoring a perfect 100, this veggie by itself contain carotenoid phytonutrients, and
brings a lot of nutrition to your plate… help in protecting the eyes.
rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as You could just add them to soups or
significant amounts of folate and iron. It as smoothies, or sauté them with olive oil and
long been used as a supplement in treating herbs.
You could add it to your soup; it’s also Beetroot
known to give a kick to sandwiches and
spreads. You can substitute it for spinach
or kale in your dishes.
Chinese cabbage
This red vegetable is a good source of fiber,
iron as well as nitrates, which can reduce
blood pressure.
Though we usually have them as a salad
or in soups, they make very healthy and
Also called Napacabbage, this vegetable is tasty side dishes too. Just toss them with
packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, curry leaves and a few masalas, and you’re
helping to maintain gut health. Rich in iron, all set.
micronutrients and vitamins, it helps lower
cholesterol and maintain sugar levels in the Silver beet
You can get creative using this veggie…it
makes for amazing salads and stir fry’s.
Beetroot greens
It’s a good source of iron, Vit A and K, as
well as fiber. It also has high potassium
levels, helping in controlling sugar levels.
The leafy tops we usually toss away are Being a good antioxidant, it helps in
actually very rich in Vit K, which could increasing immunity.
reduce chances of diabetes. They also It lends great taste to soups, pies, pizzas.