Page 38 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 38
Being rich in dietary and non-dietary fiber,
it improves gut health.
They are found to contain over 25
flavonoids which also act as antioxidants
and anti-inflammatory chemicals,
protecting the body from infarctions,
hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
Onions have always been an important
part of Indian cuisine, forming the base of
most gravies. You can sauté them and add
to stir-fry’s and soups, or indulge in raw
onions, splashed with vinegar.
A few tips while cooking these power
yams- are good sources of energy, packed Try to avoid boiling them, as the process
with carbs and starch. Being natural anti reduces the nutritious value of foods.
bacterials as well as antioxidants, they If you are boiling them, preserve the water,
could prevent obesity and diabetes. They and add to soups or gravies; not only will it
have the added benefit of being Gluten free. give them a unique taste, it also makes the
They can be boiled or had as salads. dish more wholesome and healthier.
Combined with herbs and masalas, they Be careful while having onions- raw
make good side dishes to your meals. onions can give rise to digestive discomfort.
Have it in moderation.
Onions Keep in mind, all fruits and vegetables
bring a different nutritional component to
your plate…always make a habit of adding a
variety of foods to your meals. Not only will
you find your meals more interesting and
diverse, you’ll also give yourself and others
the benefits of the various power foods.
Bon Appetite!
Surprisingly, Onions weren’t a part of the
list of power foods compiled by the study.
However, they’re one of the healthiest foods
available to us.
They’re very rich in Vit B and C, increasing
thebody’s immunity levels. They also
stimulate collagen production, helping in