Page 37 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 37
Swiss chard
digestive track. They are also known to
Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, this lower cholesterol levels and aid in weight
vegetable is very good for the eyes. Its low loss.
calorific value too, makes it a powerhouse Indian cuisine incorporates peas into a
vegetable. There are two varieties available, lot of dishes- you can add it to cauliflower,
both of which are beneficial. potatoes,and carrots. It adds a good flavor
It can be steamed and had as a stir fry. to any dish. You can also add it to soups
and gravies.
Baby kale
Kale, with its high content of Vit A, c
and K, as well as beta carotene, is one of Mushrooms have long been considered as a
themost trending and best superfoods power plant because of their high nutrient
around. Its strong taste, however, can content as well as their medicinal values.
make it unpalatable. Look for baby kale, They are good antioxidants and are also
which,while preserving all the goodness of used as adjuvants in cancer therapies. They
kale, is also milder on the tongue. are also one of the few vegetables tat give
It makes a great smoothie or an you a high protein intake.
accompaniment to your salad. Mushrooms lend a great taste to pastas
and stir fry’s…you can also add them to
Peas soups.
Peas are super sources of fiber and
vitamins; a cup of peas holds about 7.2 Gms Root veggies
of fiber. This makes peas a friend of your Root veggies- carrots, sweet potatoes, and