Page 45 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 45

the actual Jethro Tull sound became evident        a concept album. Fans often describe
         on songs like ‘Reasons For Waiting’. ‘We           Aqualung and Thick As a Brick as their
         Used To Know’ and ‘Look Into The Sun’.             favourite Tull records, but both weren’t
         However, the tune to really catch the public       instant sellers, growing in sales as time
         fancy was Anderson’s take on the classical         passed. Anderson used the same single-
         Johann Sebastian Bach piece ‘Bouree’, which        piece formula in A Passion Play, but that got
         even today remains a staple at concerts.           negative press reviews.

         Tull performing ‘Bouree’ in France - 1969          Jethro Tull’s live performances were hugely popular
          The album Benefit (1970) was followed by           The other Tull attraction was its live
         the hugely successful Aqualung, whose title        performance, with Anderson being
         track and ‘Locomotive Breath’ became all-          considered one of the best showmen on the
         time favourites. Since some of the songs were      circuit. He played the flute standing on one
         about deprived people and others reflected         leg, wore outrageous medieval attire with
         Anderson’s views on organised religion,            codpieces and charmed the audience with
         the media and fans described it as a concept       his humour between songs. Naturally, there
         album. However, Anderson disagrees,                have been some folks who have attended
         saying it was just a collection of songs with      Tull concerts regularly since the late 1960s.
         maybe two or three having something in              The Tull following kept growing through
         common. He agrees that the next album              the 1970s, with the records Minstrel In The
         Thick As a Brick “certainly was (a concept         Gallery, Songs From The Wood and Heavy
         album), reflecting the surreal and cynical         Horses. The sound varied between acoustic,
         British humour of that time, specially Monty       electric, folk and medieval influences, and
         Python”.                                           though the band had its distinct identity, it
          Released in 1972, Thick As A Brick                was clubbed in the larger ‘progressive rock’
         completes 50 years coming March 3. It              category along with Pink Floyd, Genesis,
         consists of a single song with a narrative         King Crimson, Yes and Emerson Lake &
         over two sides, based on words by a fictional      Palmer, none of who were similar to one
         character, eight-year-old Gerald Bostock.          another or to Tull. The classic 1970s line-
         The album cover was designed as a tabloid          up also had Barre on guitar, John Evan
         newspaper’s front page, and Anderson’s             on keyboards, bassist John Glascock and
         broad idea was to release the parody of            drummer Barriemore  Barlow, with David

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