Page 42 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 42

crash in December 2021, the military band          perhaps more in sync with the actual events
         played the Last Post and Rouse at his              taking place on Republic Day.
         funeral as is the military tradition. The Last      But for the masses again, Abide with me
         Post is a bugle call, sounded at military          was devoid of any religious or western
         funerals, to indicate that the soldier has gone    connotation. Also largely because it was an
         to his final rest.  The Rouse is a short bugle     instrumental tune rather than a song sung
         call usually used when flags are raised from       in English, the tune was detribalised from its
         half mast to mast head.                            original roots. Because it was the favourite
          The Republic Day ceremony in many                 of our great Mahatma Gandhi again it was
         ways is a celebration of our military power        more a tradition than anything else.
         which was also symbolic of our freedom,             Perhaps there is a message for us in this
         independence and the might of the republic         great quote from the Mahatma. “Be the
         that is India. So perhaps in one sense a           change you wish to see in the world.”  So let
         song that commemorates Indian soldiers is          us abide by it!

                                               “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all
                                               the love you want to give, but cannot. All the
                                               unspent love gathers up in the corners of your
                                               eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hol-
                                               low part of your chest. Grief is just love with no
                                               place to go.” – Jamie Anderson

                                               Psychologists believe writing about grief can
                                               reduce pain. Research has found that putting
                                               down one’s thoughts about worries and concerns
                                               can help those looking for ways to cope with their

                                               While writing requires motivation, energy and
                                               dedication, it’s easy, less stressful and all one
                Share                          needs is a pen, paper, computer or your device
                                               keypad. You don’t have to talk to anyone about it.
                  Your                         At Seniors Today, we are happy to provide you a

                                               forum to publish your personal accounts. Simply
                 Grief                         mail them to us at with
                                               Share Your Grief in the subject. Please also include
                                               your name and contact number so that we may
                                               contact you in case we wish to make any clarifi-
                                               cation. While we would like you to write the first
                                               person account with your name, we will – need-
                                               less to say – not disclose your information if you
                                               wouldn’t like us to.

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