Page 46 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 46

Palmer providing orchestral arrangements.          name of Jethro Tull, there were surprised
          The band’s sound slowly changed in                and mixed reactions. Yet, the fans waited
         the 1980s, incorporating more electronic           patiently, as ‘Shoshana Sleeping’, ‘Sad City
         influences. With Crest Of A Knave in               Sisters’ and the title track were released in
         1987, they won the Grammy for Best Hard            phases. The initial response, at least on the
         Rock/ Metal Performance, of all categories,        different Facebook fan groups, has mostly
         defeating favourites Metallica, of all             been positive, though some have said it pales
         people.  Yet, the later albums did lukewarm        in comparison to classic Tull, and that Barre
         business, though the 2003 Christmas                is sorely missed. On vocals, Anderson has
         Album sold slowly and steadily, especially         stuck to a comfortable range, and his flute-
         during season time. Anderson started               playing remains as classy as ever. What’s the
         focusing on solo projects. While most were         secret of the mastery over the instrument?
         toned down alterations of the Tull sound,          He had told this writer, “Economise on the
         the 1995 album Divinities consisted of flute-      huffing and puffing. You have to remember
         based orchestral pieces. “I tried to be the        to breathe. Phrase things and put it together
         Bing Crosby of the flute,” he said in reference    like a well-written sentence of English
         to the evergreen American singer.                  grammar. Pauses, varied tempos and
          In 2012, Anderson released the sequel             ways of expressing the nuances. Make it a
         to Thick As A Brick under his own name.            journey— not a sprint to the finish.”
         The album, which imagined what Gerald               For curious listeners, good start-off songs
         Bostock might be doing 40 years later, met         on the album would be ‘Mrs Tibbets’, ‘Mine
         with a good response, but achieved limited         Is The Mountain’ and ‘Sad City Sisters’.
         commercial success. Over the past few years,       Specific responses have been varied, but
         Anderson’s decision to replace Barre has           that’s been the case with almost all Tull
         come under criticism, even among old-              albums. Like the earlier releases, The Zealot
         time Tull fans. Barre started his own tours,       Gene takes time to grow too. But as we said,
         performing old Tull classics, being joined by      Tull does everything that a regular rock
         former members Palmer and drummer Clive            band shouldn’t do. They sound like nobody
         Bunker. Anderson did his own concerts              else, nobody sounds like them. Bouree!
         with his new line-up, with Florian Opahle
         replacing Barre.                                   For newcomers, here are 10 Jethro Tull
                                                            songs to begin with
                                                            1 Aqualung
                                                            2 Locomotive Breath
                                                            3 Bouree
                                                            4 Budapest
                                                            5 Broadsword
                                                            6 Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of A New
                                                            7 One Brown Mouse
        A good song to start off the new album
                                                            8 Too Old To Rock n’ Roll: Too Young To Die
          Naturally, when Anderson announced that           9 Hunting Girl
         the next album would be released under the         10 Mrs Tibbets

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