Page 24 - Seniors Today
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sights, sounds, and smells of the natural improved mental health, as it can release
world can help to calm our minds and endorphins that promote feelings of
soothe our nerves. The peacefulness and happiness and reduce stress and anxiety. It
stillness of nature can also give us a break can also help to improve cognitive function
from our daily stressors and allow us to and memory, which is especially crucial for
focus on the present moment. seniors.
2. Boosts Mood and Happiness 4. Boosts Immune System
Spending time in nature has also been As we age, our immune system becomes
shown to boost mood and increase feelings weaker, and we become more susceptible
of happiness. The beauty and serenity of to illness and disease. However, spending
nature can evoke positive emotions and time in nature can help to boost our
provide a sense of awe and wonder. This immune system and improve our overall
is especially beneficial for seniors, as it health.
can help combat feelings of loneliness or
isolation that may come with aging.
Additionally, being in nature can increase
the production of serotonin, also known
as the “feel-good” hormone. This can help
to improve our overall mood and well-
being, leaving us feeling more content and
Research has shown that breathing
in phytoncides, which are chemicals
released by trees and plants, can increase
the activity of our white blood cells and
enhance our immune system’s function.
This can help to protect us from illness and
promote overall well-being.
5. Encourages Social Interaction
3. Provides Physical Activity Spending time in nature can also encourage
Nature also offers a natural setting for social interaction, which is crucial for
physical activity, which is essential for seniors to combat feelings of loneliness
seniors to maintain their health and or isolation. Whether it’s joining a hiking
mobility. Whether it’s a leisurely walk group or simply taking a walk with a
through a park or a more rigorous hike in friend, being in nature provides a beautiful
the mountains, spending time in nature backdrop for meaningful connections and
encourages us to move our bodies and get conversations.
some exercise. Additionally, being in nature can help
Physical activity has been linked to to break down barriers and facilitate