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P. 23


        The Healing Power of Nature:

        How the Outdoors Boost your


        Nature has a way of rejuvenating                   and stressors of daily life, spending time in
        and refreshing our minds and souls,                nature can be a much-needed respite.
        writes Team Seniors Today                           Studies have shown that spending time
                                                           in nature can have numerous benefits for
        As we age, our mental and emotional well-          seniors, both physically and mentally. Let’s
        being becomes increasingly important.              delve into some of the ways that immersing
        With the many changes and challenges               yourself in nature can improve your mood
        that come with getting older, it’s crucial to      and well-being.
        find ways to improve our mood and overall
        quality of life. While there are various           1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
        methods and techniques that can help us            One of the most significant benefits of
        achieve this, one that often goes overlooked       spending time in nature is its ability to
        is spending time in nature. Yes, simply            reduce stress and anxiety. As we age, we
        being in the great outdoors can have a             may find ourselves dealing with more
        significant impact on our mental health.           stressors and worries such as health
          Nature has a way of rejuvenating and             concerns, financial pressures, and family
        refreshing our minds and souls. It offers a        responsibilities. These can all take a toll
        sense of peace and tranquility that is hard        on our mental health and cause feelings of
        to find in our fast-paced and technology-          anxiety and overwhelm.
        driven world. And for seniors, who may              However, being in nature can help to
        feel overwhelmed by the constant demands           alleviate these negative emotions. The

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #68 | FEBRUARY 2025                                                           23
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