Page 37 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 37
6. Dependence: A genuine concern most 4. Simplify your prescription: Ask your
people have is that they may become physician if combination drugs work for
dependent on the drugs…it’s better to just you, so you wouldn’t need to take them
stop having them. frequently or at different times.
Then there’s the holiday season…you’re 5. Write it up: If jotting down notes helps,
busy hosting guests, there are rituals keep a diary or a fridge magnet where you
and parties you need to attend, and the can note down your med schedule. If it’s in
disruption from routine could make it front of you, you’ll remember to take the
harder to remember if you’ve medicated. drugs accordingly.
There’s a stretch on the monthly budget. 6. Keep extra doses: Always carry a few
Any or all of these become an additional extra doses of medicines with you, in case
reason to either forget or deliberately skip you lose a tablet.
taking the pills. 7. Refill your prescription: There’s
Skipping a dose now and then may not nothing worse and more negligent than
seem harmful, but it can have catastrophic running out of medicine and not having
long term effects on your health. You need refills. Diligently refill your prescription
to understand that your medications may every month.
be the support needed to keep you active 8. The To-Do list: Do you make daily to-do
and in good health, so you can actually lists? If so, make an addition- an entry for
enjoy the holidays. It is important to not your medicine schedule for the day. You
miss doses. can strike it off as and when you’ve taken
So, how do you ascertain that the the dose.
medication is taken? 9. Out of sight, out of mind: Try placing
your medicine bottles where you can easily
see them, it helps in remembering to take
them too.
10. Give yourself an incentive: Incentives
are great motivators; try giving yourself a
treat after taking the medication- it could
be a small nap, a new book. Anything that
A pill-box is the best organiser of meds and doses makes you happy.
1. Stick to a routine: If you have set 11. Mark your calendar: Keep track of the
routine, chances are you won’t forget your dates you need specific medicines, make a
doses. Adhere to your routine as far as note of the refills etc.
possible. 12. Flip the pill bottle: Flip the bottle
2. Set up alarms: Make use of your phones bottoms up when you’re through for the
or watches to set an alarm when it’s time day, so you’ll know that the pill has been
for your medication…this way, you’ll get a taken.
reminder during parties too. Enjoying holidays and family functions
3. Get a pillbox: A pillbox helps you is everyone’s right, but it isn’t an excuse to
organise your medicines and dosages, so forget the essentials in your life. Always
you have easy access to them. Just fill it up remember to take your medicines on time
weekly, and you’re good to go. to make the most of the festive season.