Page 12 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 12

dressed in places with sheets of snow
         added to the raw beauty of the island. By
         now, snow was swirling thick. After 3
         hours, we headed back to the ship. And a
         well-deserved lunch and rest.
          Late afternoon, boarding our zodiacs we
         headed to Jason Harbour. It presented
         a unique landscape, with huge Tussock
         grass, growing out of seemingly barren
         rock. Light snowfall had already powdered         Fur seals
         the tops of these grasses. The Seals had           rugged coastline, approaching Fortuna
         penetrated these grass thickets and lay            Bay. Cold gusty winds and sleet showers
         almost invisible among them. We had been           mocked us as our zodiac pilot warned us
         warned to keep a healthy distance from             to “batter down our hatches” for the very
         these – at least 10-15 ft, since if they feel      choppy ride. We were welcomed onto
         threatened, they can attack. And bite hard         the uneven beach by …..What else? The
         into you. Proof of their aggressive fighting       Orchestra of Southern Elephant Seals and
         showed in a lot of them – their hides              gorgeous King Penguins with their utterly
         scarred with open wounds where they had            gorgeous yellow-orange dotted neck and
         been gouged.                                       beaks. Some standing statue still flippers
          Back to ship and bar.                             out. Others walked gingerly in single
                                                            file, bodies swaying side to side, heads
         FACTOID:                                           suddenly ducking as they too, negotiated
          The seals lying on the beach would keep           difficult patches. Groups stood at the
         flinging sand on themselves frequently, to keep    water’s edge, ready to plunge in – but kept
         cool. Even when the weather turned froid.          waiting as if for the right wave to come in.
                                                            Truly delightful to watch.
         Day 8                                               Meanwhile  their friends, the fur seals
         Tuesday, 1 November 2022                           seemed to love the frigid waters as they
         Wind Force – NW 6, Sea – Slight swells             frolicked and swam flipping round and
         Fortuna Bay and  Stromness                         round like toy tops. Returned to the ship
         Morning saw us alongside South Georgia’s           a couple of hours later, fingers frozen stiff
                                                            trying to get decent shots in that bone

         King Penguins                                      Southern Elephant Seal

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