Page 17 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 17

Late afternoon we heard a talk on Henry
         Shackleton, dubbed an explorer by the
         British. He massacred whales by the 1000’s
         in the early 1900’s, setting up numerous
         whaling stations in Antarctica to extract
         oil and blubber. For trade (and profit).
         For which he was promptly knighted and
         declared a pioneering hero. It seems to run
         through British blood to exploit, ravage and
         destroy - and then declare these deeds as
          Amundsen, Peary, Edmund Hillary – all
         explorers. None of these massacred other
         living beings to attain their goals.

         Day 14                                             Elephant Island
         Monday, 7 November 2022                            The ship had crossed the 60th parallel of
         Wind force 9, Sea state – rough                    latitude at night. Since this marked the
         AT SEA – PASSING ELEPHANT                          geographical boundary of Antarctica, we
         ISLAND                                             had officially arrived in the “Great White
                                                            South.” Clocks were set back by 1 hour.
                                                            The vast menacing glaciers and black
                                                            rock mass of Elephant Island loomed on
                                                            the horizon. Gale force winds tossed the
                                                            Ortelius around causing it to pitch into
                                                            the very choppy waters, spray slamming
                                                            the decks. The vessel’s speed dropped as
                                                            it navigated large lumps of hazardous ice,
                                                            difficult to spot in the heavy swells.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #43 | JANUARY 2023                                                            17
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