Page 13 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 13
chilling rain, sleet and wind.
Late afternoon saw us on the shingle
beach at Stromness Bay. Towering peaks
and a glacial terrain formed a stunning
backdrop to the home of fur seals, Snowy
Sheathbills (birds) and Skuas that harassed
a small colony of Gentoo Penguins, waiting
to snatch their eggs.
Baby Fur Seal
Day 9 to pure white. Truly magical!!
Wednesday, 2 November 2022 The beach gave way to patches on
Wind Force – E1, Sea – calm which grew big clumps of grass, in the
Gold Harbour and Ocean Harbour midst of which nestled albatross, seals –
humongous, large, medium, small were
lying around. Just about everywhere. We
were warned to keep a healthy distance
from them. It was akin to walking through
a minefield. They were everywhere. And
resembled rocks so closely, it was difficult
to spot them. They just to lie in one place,
almost immobile, till they decide to snort
or grunt. Their upper bodies then come
Black Browed Albatross up, faces skyward and then, opening their
The stuff of nightmares!! red mouths and exposing their teeth, they
Wake-up call at 3.30 a.m. let forth bellows and grunts. Albatross
The 1st rays of the sun hitting this harbour flying around, would land among them
island is meant to be a spectacular sight. and walk around, huge wings outstretched
Dragged ourselves out of our warm snug to dry. Some were indulging in some sort
beds to find cloud cover. No Sun. Later, left of mating (?) dance, ducking their heads
for Gold Harbour which was packed with up and down, then clapping their beaks
seals, isolated moulting King Penguins and against each other. This ritual would
aggressive male Fur seals. Elephant bull continue for 2-3 minutes, to the non-stop
seals have harems of up to 150 females, seal orchestra. I witnessed a giant bull
which they guard zealously. If a young elephant – at least 15 ft in length charge
adult male dares to approach one of their
harem, a huge battle ensues, usually
resulting in the younger bull retreating.
The bulls, 15-17 ft in length, mate with any
female, age notwithstanding. The Bertrab
Glacier formed a spectacular backdrop to
the surroundings. Meanwhile, the snowfall
had grown heavier, turning the black sand
South Georgia Pintails