Page 27 - Seniorstoday January 2024 Issue
P. 27
that are carrying the unpleasant baggage. ahead and physically write down a “don’t
Similarly getting rid of stuff you are not do” list, something that can serve as a
going to use and it has remained in the reminder that holds you accountable. This
drawer for some sentimental reason, let go list helps you get unstuck. You may not get
and you feel lighter. this perfect the first time, but you can keep
making adjustments until you’re doing
9. Hone your Cooking Skills more of the things that perk you up.
Cooking is a very creative process and
that can include baking, because for many 12. Practise Positive Self-Talk
people that act of creating something Just as it is important to have a ‘don’t
delicious feels like pressing a reset button. do’ list, it is equally important to talk to
It’s an easy project for including other yourself about your positive aspects. This
family members, like a spouse or kids. is an important aspect of self-care as to how
The aroma of baking a cake that ends with you view your-self. Appreciate the small
a delicious result and doing something tasks you do during the day and remember
creative can promote a feeling of well- to tell yourself “good job” — whether it’s
being. work, making time for exercise, or any
other trivial task. Celebrate your daily
10. Play a Game successes with positive self-talk. It might
Game-playing is a great way to relax and feel weird at first, but your brain will soak
relieve stress. Whether it is Monopoly up that self-care goodness.
or even the simple Ludo, games are an
excellent anti-stress strategy. Although 13. Start enjoying Music
part of the appeal is playing with friends Music therapy employs music to help
and family in person, there are also many people cope with physical or emotional
virtual options, like Words with Friends, needs. It’s actually been found to lessen
or get your friends together and choose a symptoms in people with mood problems,
game. such as anxiety and depression, as well
as lift self-esteem. And you probably
don’t need a clinical study to tell you that
listening to your favourite tune will put a
smile on your face.
11. Create a ‘Don’t Do’ List
Self-care doesn’t have to be an action
item. It can be about freeing up space for
the things that matter in your life and 14. Tickle your funny bone
removing those that steal your energy. Go Reap the health benefits of laughter by