Page 30 - Seniorstoday January 2024 Issue
P. 30
Mind Matters
Inner Reflections:
6 Ways to Beat Ageism and Lack of Purpose
While maintaining high levels of purpose can be a daunting task for the
senior citizens, various studies have established that it is one of the defining
features for overall health and longevity, writes Dr Monika M Dass
“I always loved swimming. In the sea or in I was swimming in a pool, many people
a pool – my dad taught me to swim when were around me and among them were two
I was eight. It relaxes me, makes me feel boys. They were about 11 – the same age
active. It is a part of who I am. I was when I won my first medal. Their
When I was 11, I won my first swimming laughter caught my attention, but then I
medal. Then another came and several saw them pointing me out to their friends,
others followed, but regardless of whether saying “look, the old hag is swimming!”
it was gold, silver or bronze, swimming is God, as if I was an alien. I felt ashamed
my true love. I put on my swimming cap, doing what I love, something I should
I dive into the pool and I am overcome never be ashamed to do.
with joy. In those moments, I know it is Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you my age. I am
something I will be doing until the end of 77. But I swim the same as when I was
my life. But several days ago something 11, 21, 41 or 61. Why is it that sometimes,
happened that hurt me and made me younger people, and occasionally older
wonder if I may be mistaken, if perhaps the people too, think that older women should
time has come for me to quit swimming. not be swimming? Perhaps they think our