Page 38 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 38
every precaution possible, before plunging
themselves into the lake. Even the waters,
mind you, are infested with giant killers,
but this family seemed to be fortune’s
An inhabitant of Planet Earth for over
200 million years, the Marsh Crocodile
is a member of Time’s ‘ultimate survivor’
stories. Unarguably the most fierce
predator, in water or on land, crocs have Having made a kill, he was fully aware that
outlived dinosaurs by 65 million years! his stronger sibling would rightfully stake
his claim. So he began his efforts to hide the
trophy… but as he sensed his big brother’s
proximity his attempts got more desperate,
ultimately leading to a rather childlike
We spotted this jackal at a small watering
hole cautiously quenching his thirst. What
struck me was the beautiful picture he
made. His reflection in the water was clear.
While his eyes stared at us, his reflection
seemed to stare straight back at him!
Sibling Rivalry
One evening, we saw this young tiger, who
while following his prey, had strayed into
his brother’s territory.