Page 34 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 34

several common friends. However, this              subject of Sujaya’s marriage came up and
         had left Sujaya deeply disappointed and            built up some peer pressure, hoping that
         disenchanted enough to stay away from              Sujaya would at least listen to her friends
         any new relationships. Though Naresh was           and be convinced about the happiness of
         keen to hear more from her, she brooked no         a life together with a life partner. Truth be
         questions and avoided answering them for           told, Sujaya had been thinking about it for
         fear of upsetting him. In any case, she was        long, had been feeling lonely of late, but had
         doing very well in her professional career         always been unsure and insecure. A change
         and her spirituality kept her well balanced        of heart happened in Sujaya, listening to
         to accept the situation and live it out alone.     her friends and the sincerity of Naresh’s
         Naresh could not help but think about his          purpose. After the party, Sujaya hugged
         own two sons who were in no hurry to get           Naresh warmly and gave him the go ahead
         married initially, but eventually agreed           to find her a suitable match.
         for arranged marriages recently and had             Naresh was overjoyed to say the least
         settled abroad.  Sujaya had been an invitee        and over the next few months of intense
         to his sons’ marriages but had abstained           networking, applying to matrimony
         citing busy schedules, which was a sore            sites and scouring the data with utmost
         point for Naresh, but this never came in the       care and diligence, shortlisted 4 names
         way of his strong bond with Sujaya.                whom he felt would be ideal for Sujaya.
          Years were slowly passing by and Sujaya           Sujaya had complete faith in Naresh’s
         soon breached 30. Naresh, given his                judgement, as one would have in a doting
         fondness for Sujaya, did not give up trying        father, and agreed to meet them. A round
         to convince her to find a good life partner        of get togethers at Naresh’s home and
         and get married. Sujaya on her part was            dating encounters followed and soon
         as adamantine as ever, given her fierce            Sujaya felt comfortable with one of them
         independence of thought and would not              and expressed herself to Naresh. After a
         have any of it. Naresh was quite nagging           couple of more independent rein checks
         and persistent, but Sujaya never felt uneasy       and mutual visits and discussions with the
         about it, knowing Naresh’s deep feeling for        boy’s family, the marriage date and venue
         her and his good intentions. Naresh soon           had been fixed.  Sujaya had chosen well;
         organised a surprise party at his home and         the boy was from a highly educated and
         invited Sujaya and six of her close friends.       cultured family, having himself qualified
         They were all doing very well in their             from Ivy League colleges in US and had
         chosen professions and their respective            come back to India, sensing the huge
         partners were equally successful. It was a         opportunities in a growing economy with
         great evening for Sujaya and her friends           a promising future. He had set up his own
         hosted as it was by Naresh, a person of
         impeccable taste and fondness for the good
         things of life. The best of the wines, the
         best of cheese and the best of food had been
         organised from gourmand chefs and the
         guests were relishing the fare over great
         chatter and natter. Naresh ensured that the

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