Page 35 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 35
start up in logistics solutions and it was as a result. She ran across and hugged him
gaining momentum slowly and surely. profusely and broke down in copious tears.
Naresh’s eyes turned moist as he did She was too overwhelmed to speak. No
the kanyadaan of Sujaya and performed words were required, Naresh understood
the marriage ceremonies with grace and what Sujaya was silently expressing
aplomb and the guests showering their and for the first time in several years, he
blessings on the well matched couple. too broke down at the poignancy of the
Naresh sorely missed the presence of moment.
his wife, but found solace in the fact that Naresh had all along known about Sujaya
at least his elder son had come down and his younger son, Abhishek, being
from the US to attend Sujaya’s marriage. more than mere batchmates, looking at
Several pics and videos captured the their dynamics and body language on the
beautiful moments of the various marriage convocation day, a dozen years ago. An
ceremonies, of the guests meeting the informal chat with their batchmates on that
couple, the beautiful decoration, the day had only confirmed their closeness.
fabulous venue by the sea and the happy But sadly, it was not to be. A sense of drift
couple coming together for each other. had thrown Sujaya and Abhishek asunder
As millennials very much present on and he could only watch it helplessly,
social media, Sujaya and her husband much as he had tried to convince Abhishek
shared their joy with the world and went that Sujaya was the perfect match for
to town on Instagram and Facebook. him. Naresh had to summon all his inner
Congratulatory messages poured in from strength and composure whenever he
several quarters, including her close interacted with Sujaya and behave as
batchmate who had migrated abroad. though he did not know about her and
A month later, Sujaya on her way to office, Abhishek. He could not get a daughter-
dropped in at Naresh’s home to spend in-law in Sujaya, but it was karmic that
some quiet moments with him. She felt he could get a daughter in Sujaya. His
overwhelmed by what Naresh had done for solemnising Sujaya’s wedding was his way
her and her life taking a turn for the better of healing hearts.