Page 23 - Seniorstoday June 2024 Issue
P. 23
mental peace and security of a roof over the residence proofs, income tax filings, bank
head. statements, agreement, promissory notes,
etc. will be involved. These are procedural
and have to be complied with.
Broadly, the bank will have the property
inspected and evaluated. Based on the
valuation, the bank will decide on the
maximum amount that one can receive To illustrate, if the eligibility amount is Rs.
as a reverse mortgage facility. Banks may 1 core and the estimated interest over the
offer a facility in the range of 60% to 80% tenor is Rs. 50 lakhs (it will include interest
of the determined value and the maximum on interest component as well, since no
amount offered may be in the range of repayments are required during the tenor)
Rs.1 crore to Rs. 2 crores. Some aggressive and the tenor is 15 years, the bank will
private banks may have higher caps on the disburse a monthly amount of Rs. 27,778
amount. The tenor usually is 15 to 20 years (Rs. 50 lakhs /180 months). After the tenor,
depending on the age of the borrower. The the senior citizen can continue to live in
amount sanctioned, after deducting the his home for as long as he or his spouse is
estimated amount of interest, is divided alive, without repaying Rs. 1 crore or the
into monthly instalments and will be paid interest accruing on it. On the demise of the
over the tenor of the loan. The interest rate borrower, the heirs will have an option to
tends to be higher as compared to a housing pay the outstanding amount and retake/
loan. Typically, the bank will charge on the sell the property or the bank can sell the
basis of RBI Repo rate + spread + margin. property and pay the balance amount to the
These will vary from time to time, the heirs. In case the senior citizen or her/his
reason why some banks may offer a fixed spouse passes during the tenor, a similar
or a floating rate, depending on the RBI step for repayment will be followed by the
Repo rate and spread. If a housing loan bank to recover its dues.
is available at 9%, for a reverse mortgage Any senior citizen facing difficulties
the bank may charge in the range of 11% managing with the existing monthly
to 12 %. Generally, the banks prefer to pay incomes, will do well to look at reverse
monthly payments over the tenor period, mortgage as a practical option. After all, the
and discourage lump sum payments to purpose of life is to live well and happy in
protect the senior citizens from imprudent their lifetime and no one can take his or her
use or loss or fraudsters. To avail the property to the world of Lord Yama. Why
facility, the usual documents like age and reverse the sunset moments?