Page 27 - Seniorstoday June 2024 Issue
P. 27

capture Pegasus Bridge, and also “Horsa            Subsequently I had lunch in the Golden
         Bridge’’, a few hundred yards/metres to            Lion Pub, which during the Second
         the east, over the Orne River. The object          World War had been the Officer’s Mess
         of this action was to prevent German               for Generals Eisenhower, Montgomery,
         armour from crossing the bridges and               Bradley and the senior commanders
         attacking the eastern flank of the landings        who would be the leaders for ‘Operation
         at Sword Beach, and to prevent the British         Overlord’. I had enjoyed my Fish n Chips
         6th Airborne Division from being cut               lunch and a salmon salad (with beer and
         off. The Ox and Bucks were reinforced              white wine) while I listened intently to
         at 0300h on D Day by forces of the 7               the owner of the Pub and his stories of the
         Parachute Battalion with Lt Richard Todd           Officer’s Mess of World War 2. He said
         (a Hollywood actor, subsequently who               that his father had been the owner of this
         played the role of Maj John Howard in the          place when the architects of Operation
         movie, ‘The Longest Day’) in the lead for          Overlord used it as their Officer’s Mess.
         the link up with the glider borne forces.          There was a nice corner in the lounge
         They were linked up by Brig Lord Lovat’s           there with a scarlet-coloured leather
         commandos of the 4th Special Service               sofa set where apparently important
         Brigade. Lovat led the men off the landing         discussions about the forthcoming
         craft; Lord Lovat’s brigade went ashore            invasion would take place between the
         under fire near Coleville. His Commandos           senior commanders in May 1944.
         had discarded helmets at the last moment            There was a thick forested area behind
         and donned their distinctive green                 the pub which in April 1944 had lodged
         berets, complete with their regimental             some of the Invasion forces in sausage
         cap badges. Lovat led the men off the              shaped structures. This is there in the
         landing craft, and Piper Millin floundered         movie, ‘The Longest Day’. After lunch I
         toward the beach, Lovat shouted, “Give             went to the 5th June 1944, embarkation
         us ‘Highland Laddie,’ man!” Shivering              points, the jetty from where the convoy
         and waist deep in the water now, Millin            of ships had sailed for the invasion. The
         put the mouthpiece to his lips and started         place is well maintained and the benches
         playing as he struggled through the surf.          there speak of their tribute to the gallant
          They achieved their task well by 0015h            soldiers who had participated in the sea
         on D Day. The bridge which they had                borne assault.
         captured is now called the ‘Maj John
         Howard Bridge’.
          I had the great opportunity of visiting
         the SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters
         Allied Expeditionary Force) in Southwick
         House, Portsmouth in England and have
         seen the original D Day map with the
         Tactical settings for that day. It was a
         great experience being shown around the
         place and seeing the operations room for          Benouville; France - Major Howard statue near the Pegasus
         Operation Overlord as it is referred to.          bridge

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #60 | JUNE 2024                                                               27
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