Page 32 - Seniorstoday June 2024 Issue
P. 32
‘I’m 70 and find my erections not
good enough for sex’
Dr Rajan Bhonsle presents responses to few frequently unanswered doubts that
arise in the minds of seniors.
Q: I am 63 and underwent angioplasty for reluctant to bring up the subject in front of
two coronary blocks about four months them or even with each other sometimes.
back. I avoided sex for these four months. I once met a cardiologist who expressed
I’m keen to know if I can start sexual his fear to me about imagining one of his
activity now. If not now, then when? young cardiac patients dying of a heart
Do I need to take permission from my attack during sex. He felt responsible for
cardiologist before resuming my sex life? his patients. He spoke to me at great length
A: Your cardiologist would be the about the guilt and it occurred to me that
best person to answer this question. In there is still a lot of awkwardness and a
uncomplicated cases of coronary artery great taboo associated with talking freely
disease, cardiologists invariably allow about sex between many doctors and
and even encourage the patient to resume patients.
all normal activities immediately after Sometimes couples are afraid to talk to
the angioplasty. If your cardiologist has each other about their feelings, fears, needs
allowed you to walk a mile or if you are able and concerns as well. This is a problem.
to climb a flight of stairs without distress, Four months have passed since your
then you can safely have sex. angioplasty. Angioplasty has opened
Many cardiologists avoid talking about up your coronary arteries and has made
sex with their patients and couples are your heart function normally. If you are