Page 34 - Seniorstoday June 2024 Issue
P. 34

‘nitrate’ preparations which are usually           capable individuals have to quit certain
         given in cases of anginal pain. This is            jobs or positions when they reach a certain
         common with partial coronary blocks. This          age.
         makes it very risky for you to take either          The gradual ageing process is likely to
         Sildenafil (Viagra) or Tadalafil for erectile      eventually restrict all physical functions
         dysfunction. The combination of Sildenafil         while affecting all corporal attributes. The
         and Nitrates can make your blood pressure          ability to perform sexual intercourse is no
         suddenly drop to unsafe (even fatal) levels        exception.
         causing dizziness, fainting – thus resulting        If you seek medication, you are best
         in a heart attack or stroke. I do not wish         advised to meet with a licensed medical
         to scare you but the above factors need to         practitioner so that the necessary bodily
         be kept in mind. In addition, the safety of        investigations are made before you ingest
         Sildenafil or Tadalafil has not been studied       any medicines. Self-medication is not
         adequately for men above sixty five years of       advised under any circumstances. This is
         age. You’re welcome to go and discuss the          regardless of how healthy you feel or how
         matter with your family doctor or with a           healthy you truly are.
         qualified sexologist for further clarity.           While it is beyond the scope of a question-
                                                            answer book to prescribe any medication
         Q: You have mentioned that ‘Sildenafil’            to you, you should be aware that the safety
         and ‘Tadalafil’ can be taken to ‘sustain’          of Sildenafil and Tadalafil has not been
         an erection. This is interesting. I am             adequately studied and established for
         71-year-old but I keep rather physically           men above the age of 65 (the age group
         fit due to a well-regulated life. I’m into         you fall under). These preparations are
         yoga, brisk walking, eating well and I             not ordinarily prescribed for men above
         lead a very comfortable retired life. I            the age of 65. Also remember, there are
         am a widower but I have some female                a host of sexually transmitted diseases
         friends whom I am attracted to. Due to             and infections that you may invite (HIV
         my age, I am unable to hold an erection            included) when you engage in casual
         for a longer duration. I wish to enjoy sex         sexual encounters with multiple partners.
         for another ten years at least. Can I take
         these medications and enjoy casual sex             Q: I am a 70-year-old man and find my
         with women? I have no ailment like heart           erections are not good enough for sex. I
         problems, blood pressure or diabetes.              have come to know that there are devices
         What do you think?                                 known as Dildos which can better the
          A: Technically speaking, one can enjoy            sexual satisfaction to women. Please
         sex till one desires and till one is capable       let me know where in India are these
         of performing physically in bed. This has          dildos available and the approx. price if
         to happen with mutual consent for it to            possible.
         be equally pleasurable for the individuals          A: Dildos are ‘sex toys’ used by women for
         involved. It’s not unknown that the ageing         self-pleasuring and masturbation. Dildos
         process affects all aspects of life. That is       are shaped like penises. They come in
         why many countries and trades adhere to a          different sizes. They are usually meant to
         certain ‘retirement age’ when even the most        be inserted in the vagina. Some are made

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