Page 12 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 12
Walnuts Sardines
Walnuts are powerhouses of nutrients- A serving of sardines can provide up to 2
loads of fiber, anti-oxidants, mono gms of omega 3 fatty acids, helping protect
saturated fatty acids, omega 3 acids and the heart from chronic ailments.
plant sterols. They also have traces of Mackerel
magnesium, copper and manganese, all Not only high in monounsaturated and
required for maintain heart health. Just a polyunsaturated fatty acids, but also low in
handful a day can reduce your cholesterol saturated fats, makes it an excellent choice
levels. Try replacing a fried snack with for a healthy diet. Eating this fish decreases
walnuts daily. your chance of developing cardiac issues
Almonds such as stroke, atherosclerosis, heart
A lot of people include soaked almonds attack, and arrhythmia.
in their morning routine, and with good
reason. Being rich in fiber, sterols and heart BEANS
friendly fats, they help lower bad LDL
cholesterol. They are also associated with
an increase in HDL levels.
FISH OIL AND FISH – Oily fish have
always been associated with heart health,
they help control the triglyceride levels,
hypertension and blood sugar.
Black beans, besides being a high source of
protein, are also rich in folate, magnesium
and fiber. The high fibre protects the heart
and prevents diseases like chronic heart
disease and diabetes. Besides, the high
protein helps weight loss, again helping
the heart. They are known to reduce
triglycerides, inflammation in the blood
Salmon vessels and hypertension.
Salmon is a very good source of omega 3 They also contain resistant starch, which
fatty acids- which could lessen the risk of resists digestion and helps in the buildup of
cardiac arrhythmias and complications of probiotics in the gut.
hypotension. They also help in rectifying
your cholesterol and triglycerides. GRAINS
Tuna Multiple studies show that including whole
Also rich in omega 3, tuna is often a grains in your diet is very beneficial for
cheaper substitute to salmon. Albacore is the heart. They are known to reduce heart
richer in omega 3 than the other varieties of diseases by more than 20%.
tuna. Barley