Page 14 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 14
to add great flavor to your dish. Adding
these to the food, instead of excess oil, fat
and salt, will make the food palatable and
foods like French fries or fried chicken can
cause cardiac problems.
Processed foods
Not only does processed food contain large
quantities of unhealthy fats, but also salt.
Even small quantities of these foods can
contain more salt than is healthy for you.
Resveratrol and catechins, the two anti- Salt has been associated with hypertension
oxidants present in red wine, are extremely and you should keep a check on the amount
good for the heart. They protect the artery you consume.
wall from damage. Wine may also boost Sugary stuff
the levels of HDL, the good cholesterol in A diet rich in added sugar can contribute
the body. to high cholesterol levels, diabetes and
other chronic diseases, including cardiac
TOFU dysfunction. Even the cereal you have,
One of the few sources of vegetarian could have added sugar, making it an
protein, it’s also rich in polysaturated fatty unhealthy choice.
acids and minerals. Not only does it reduce Soft drinks and juices
cholesterol, its high protein content helps Aerated drinks and packaged juices
control and reduce weight. not only contain added sugars, but
preservatives too. Research shows that
YOGHURT most people indulge in some form of these
Besides being rich in calcium, yogurt is drinks almost daily, and it can be a matter of
also rich in magnesium and potassium, concern.
and can help reduce hypertension. Margarine
Selecting the low-fat ones helps to reduce Margarine, though considered by many to
weight too. be healthier than butter, contains trans fats,
which contribute to increasing cholesterol.
FOODS TO AVOID The heart is one of the most precious organs
Deep fried in the human body, one which literally
Deep frying food in the conventional keeps us alive. Taking care of it will make
way, creates trans-fat, which increases your life healthier and more comfortable.
cholesterol and triglycerides and reduces While occasional indulgence is acceptable,
HDL. An occasional fried snack is ok, but a cardiac friendly diet is necessary to keep
frequent meals consisting of deep-fried your heart healthy.