Page 9 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 9
should occur. This can be lifesaving. These
devices are routinely used in India.
Ageing and Atherosclerotic Coronary
Vascular Disease (ASCVD):
This is now increasingly manifest in
young adults but is often seen in Senior
Atherosclerosis or hardening of the
arteries occurs when there is damage to
the inner lining (endothelium) of the blood
vessels that exceeds the capacity of the advisable to rush to the ER of a hospital
natural reparative process of the body in the event of chest pain, uneasiness and
to effect a perfect repair. This imperfect breathlessness. Do not think it is “gas” or
repair permits cholesterol and other fatty indigestion. Let the ER physician make
substances to enter the inner lining of that decision. If a diagnosis of a heart
the blood vessels and initiate a process attack is made, the doctors after initial and
of inflammation and further endothelial quick evaluation will suggest a Primary
damage and deposition of fatty substances Angioplasty in the Cardiac Catheterisation
leading to more luminal compromise, Laboratory or Thrombolysis (Clot Buster
lack of blood supply and ultimately organ Injection) to restore blood flow. In the worst
damage. case scenario a Coronary Bypass Surgery
Many patients have a strong genetic may be advised. These treatments are very
history of atherosclerosis but most have effective, the standard of care and much
risk factors like diabetes, dyslipidemia, safer than doing nothing. Further treatment
hypertension, obesity , tobacco abuse and will be administered after the blood supply
so on is restored.
Every effort is to be made to improve For Chronic Lack of Blood Supply to the
lifestyle, control risk factors as outlined heart— the doctors may suggest several
above to prevent and treat atherosclerotic tests and if required a coronary angiogram
coronary heart disease. to quantify the problem. The quantum
Patients with ASCVD may experience and the nature of the blocks will decide
chest pain on exertion (angina), the necessity / suitability for Coronary
breathlessness, fatigue, palpitations or have Angioplasty, Coronary Bypass Surgery or
no symptoms whatever. Aggressive Medical Treatment.
Some individuals may end up with an Whichever treatment is suggested,
acute heart attack (AMI) lifestyle modification and control of risk
In the event of an acute heart attack— factors is essential.
reach a hospital ASAP as it is vital to The subject of ageing and the
restore blood supply to the heart ASAP... Cardiovascular System is a vast and
There is a Golden Hour —a time window complex one. In this article I have distilled
within which restoration of blood supply its essence in simple terms for the general
will minimise damage and therefore it is reader.