Page 19 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 19
Dil cheez kya hai,
zindagi zinda dili ka naam hai
No medical advancement or technology progression or personal precaution
is a magic wand to prevent the divine call when the bells toll, writes Nagesh
The erudite and the ignorant alike know theme for 2022 is ‘Use Heart to Connect’ – a
the highly evolved marvel that the human clear focus on innovative ways to connect
body is, driven that it is by the heart people to heart health.
and executed by the mind. Befittingly, The stupendous advances in medical
like so many other anointed days in a sciences facilitate non-invasive and
year, September 29 is celebrated as the invasive surgical interventions to treat
World Heart Day, first conceptualised in CVDs, in no small measure, but big
1999 when the World Heart Federation success. However, I daresay, no medical
collaborated with the World Health advancement or technology progression
Organisation (WHO). The central idea is or personal precaution is a magic wand to
to apprise people about cardiovascular prevent the divine call when the bells do
disease (CVD) and its impact on their toll.
well-being and evangelise its prevention. I remember the sensuous number sung
CVD, including heart disease and strokes, by the recently deceased nightingale’s
is said to claim over 20 million lives sister, Asha Bhosle, picturised on Rekha
annually across the globe and is one of the in the 1981 Hindi film, Umrao Jaan, a box-
most potent non-communicable causes office hit. It is the so hummable ‘Dil cheez
of fatality. Every year, a theme is selected kya hai aap meri jaan lijiye’. Loosely, it
with a thrust on the actions that individuals can be translated as ‘What is my heart,
can take to prevent and control CVD. The you take my life’. If you take away the bit