Page 21 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 21
Photograph courtesy Zipper Club Facebook page
the old, among men and women. across several states. To him, bypass has
At the other end of the spectrum, there are gone by long ago.
marathon running groups, like the Zipper CVD is a disease like any other disease,
Club for instance, comprised largely of which needs to be attended to in time with
60+ senior citizens who have had bypass due advice and medication, not to mention
surgeries or have stents inserted in their proactive behaviour changes in lifestyle.
arteries. They practise regularly and Basics like a disciplined lifestyle, regular
participate in marathons frequently. They physical exercises, yoga and meditation,
all are in fine fettle and enjoy the thrice-a- tempered and timely food ingestion, a good
week practice sessions. It was initiated by a eight hours sleep, bonded relationships,
bypass patient, P Venkataraman (PV), who active social life, extra-curricular activities
decided not to be cowed down by medical and hobbies will go a long way in having an
setbacks and be restrained in leading a equanimous and calming effect on the mind
normal life. A great motivator and a man and the heart.
of conviction, he has done a commendable Perhaps, King Dashratha died due to an
job in spreading positivity in the face of heart attack, soon after his beloved son,
adverse heart conditions. He and one Rama was forced into exile by Kaikeyi. A
member who turned 70 recently, have done happy state does lead to a happier heart
over 100 half-marathons. Inspirational! pumping all the ‘prana’ that we need to
I had the good fortune to be a part of the live life fullest. Happiness and sorrow will
Zipper Club for a while, which helped me always be a part of our lives, but a sense of
in doing over six half-marathons, the last detachment and distance from the events
of which was in January 2020. Aptly, PV around us may help keep our hearts on
founded a company with the moniker ‘You even keel. Aakhir, zindagi zinda dili ka
Too Can Run’ and conducts marathons naam hai, murda dili khaak jiya karte hai.