Page 28 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 28
look for a more bright coffee. This is where the coffee bond of friendship would still be
having an understanding about the market alive!
comes into play. She continues, “It teaches me a lot about
the workers on the farm; every now and
Role of a cupper then I visit the coffee farms and there are
It’s not just about knowing how to follow some women workers who’ll come to hug
cupping protocols but also guiding me and bring me flowers, it’s a precious
farmers into producing good quality coffee moment. The coffee bean has not only
preferred by the buyer. helped me in developing friendship,
knowledge and wisdom, but has also taught
Life of a Coffee Cupper me humility. Every time I think I know it
For a cupper, a heavy day calls for about all, the bean helps me to fall, to realise that
70-80 cups of tasting coffee in different there is yet much more to learn and that one
modes of preparation. Sometimes the needs to be humble!”
number of cups become very large. For each Just like a bright cup of warm coffee
sample that comes in for evaluation, it can Menon prefers, she closes the interview
go up to about 15 cups. on a rejuvenating note, “I enjoy being a
Menon shares: “Coffee tasting every day is cupper because every day it’s expecting the
a humbling experience. For, I see it as bean unexpected. It’s never a boring and dull
of wisdom that is full of emotion, love, and day. Every day is different. Every day I
humility. You make friends for life and the wonder what the cup will bring to me, what
best part is, if I see you after many years, the day’s discovery would be.”