Page 30 - Seniorstoday June 2022 Issue
P. 30

and explaining the sequence of events, the         of times.
         power block was cleared, power restored and         By now I realised that the boss who had
         the train started moving towards Lonavala. It      been a terror, a roaring lion, was less than an
         happened rather quickly. It was a rather dark      ordinary person. One can see the person’s
         evening and therefore the movement of the          true colour when he is insecure. He was
         train was not noticed. The train had not picked    continuously worried about the snakes,
         up much motion and I was able to catch it. But     getting run over from the trains, highway
         the boss could not make it. He was left all alone   robbers and reaching the destination.
         at the site. Fear was seen on his face. Night      We knew that no train would go towards
         appeared as a poorly lit version of the day with   Lonavala for a minimum of two hours and
         the light from third rate coaches falling on       therefore we had decided to walk! But he
         my boss. It made him look humble. I realised       was fearful of everything. After walking
         the problem and jumped down quickly from           for about fifteen minutes, we reached the
         the train, more as a duty less as a help to him.   over bridge of old Bombay Pune road which
         Seeing me jumping down, a supervisor also          crosses the tracks from east to west. The
         jumped. We shouted for the diver to stop           tracks at this location are at grade and the
         the train, but our shouts were not audible.        road over them. Abutment of the road bridge
         Supervisor is like a JCO in the army.              is pitched with shapeless stones. There were
                                                            gaps between the stones which provided
                                                            the space for bushes to grow. Instead of
                                                            walking all the way up to Lonavala, it was
                                                            prudent to take a lift from the road vehicle up
                                                            to Lonavala. We therefore decided to climb
                                                            over the sloping abutment to reach the road
                                                            level. My supervisor was a well-built Sikh,
                                                            who climbed swiftly and reached the road
                                                            level while I was halfway of the climb. The
          We started walking towards Lonavala on            boss took some time to start, fearful of the
         the track. It had rained during the day and        grass and bushes. He thought that the path
         the ballast on the track was still wet. Walking    taken by the supervisor was safe since the
         along the track was not easy but that was          supervisor had almost reached the top. The
         the only option. The frogs settled in the          boss started to climb.  Maybe due to a hurry
         darkness were croaking happily, creating           to reach the top, the supervisor loosened some
         just the opposite effect. We walked on the         stones which started rolling down, in the path
         track opposite to the proper direction of a        thought safe by the boss. Boss got terribly
         train movement. The shoes were soaked in           scared. The knee high grass and bushes on
         rain water. The fibres of decayed wooden           the slope had created fear in his mind. He
         sleepers along with the wet ballast made the       started repeating “Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Sai
         walk quite difficult. We assured the boss that     Baba’’ loud enough for the truck drivers to
         it was safe on this track. Ever confused, the      hear. The fear of snakes was an apprehension
         boss looked repeatedly in the front and at the     but rolling stones was a reality. The stones
         back to ensure that a train did not appear from    were not visible due to the darkness. I too
         somewhere. In the process he tripped a couple      got worried for his safety for the stones

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