Page 3 - Seniorstoday June2023
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Publisher’s Note

           Towards more meaningful family connections

         Your relationship with your spouse, children,     drives can also be a good setting for in-depth talk as
         family, friends and colleagues is very critical   everyone is together in confine space with limited
         to your happiness and success in life. Healthy    distractions. Whereas weekend outings, family
         communication and a dynamic strategy in conflict   picnics, walks, spark enjoyable conversation while
         resolution serve best to nurture relationships and   enjoying the outdoors.  Dinner-time conversation
         help them thrive.                                 can transform a regular meal into bonding sessions,
          Team Seniors Today created a list of 50          family gatherings can also provide the perfect
         meaningful dialogue-starters, conversation pieces   opportunities to initiate meaningful conversations.
         that help you discover more of each other. Use      Always be mindful of the energy and the mood
         them in a way that will create lasting memories   of the group to ensure that the questions to
         and deepen your understanding of one another.     select contribute positively to the conversations.
         For instance, areas of conflict could be father-and-  Remember, the goal is to foster connection and
         son relationships. Suddenly you discover that you   understanding. So, being open, empathetic and
         are living with a total stranger and your son has   actively listening to each other will go long way.
         his own views and agenda quite different from     You will never know what you learn about them
         your own. Also your child’s spouse could be a     and what they discover about you. It could also be a
         source of vehement disagreement, having strong    self-discovery of sorts, so keep talking to each other.
         opinions on irrelevant issues that cause pinpricks   Be the person in your family who celebrates
         in everyday living.                               unique and loving connections. Great conversations
          These 50 conversation pieces will help to open   always make the experience memorable for
         the pressure cooker and as one talks to each      veryone.
         other, opinions could be sorted out by better
         understanding each other’s point of view.
          The key to a successful conversation is to find
         and appropriate question for the situation that you
         are in. Fun, light-hearted questions are great for
         casual settings. While deeper questions could be   Vickram Sethi
         more suitable for quite intimate movements. Long   Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

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