Page 7 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 7
offer valuable insides into your family’s and encourage the preservation of
traditions, values and stories that may important traditions.
otherwise we lost to time. Dive deep into
heartfelt conversation and uncover the 5. Which famous person, living or
stories that make your family unique. deceased, would you want as a sibling?
William Shakespeare? Daaku Mangal
1. How do you define family? Singh? Rani Laxmi Bai? Birbal?
Reflecting on the meaning of family can Imagining a celebrity as a family member
help clarify your values and reinforce your can lead to amusing conversations and
connections to one another. Interesting reveal unexpected connections. There is
discussions could be held on second, third always a stingy aunt or a quirky uncle
and fourth cousins, one could include in whose strange habits become a part of
the extended family. family folklore.
2. What moment in your family’s history 6. What are some family traditions
brings a smile to your face? that have been passed down through
Recalling joyful memories can create a generations?
positive atmosphere and reinforce your Talking about family traditions can
family’s bond. There is always an incident strengthen your connection to your
that happened at a wedding or at a family heritage, hometown and any celebration,
gathering that is funny that one recalls pooja, temple or annual fair where
over and over again. your family plays an important role. A
conversation based on age-old traditions
can provide an opportunity to preserve or
revive meaningful customs.
3. Which family member do you think
you share the most similarities with?
Reflecting on resemblances and
distinctions can foster an appreciation for
each other’s unique qualities. It can also
lead to competitive comparisons.
4. What shared family values do you see
in each other? 7. Do you know any stories about your
Identifying shared values can reinforce ancestors? Do you have any famous or
your connection to your family’s history infamous relatives?