Page 6 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 6
Cover Story
How well do we know
each other?
Dive deep into heartfelt conversations and uncover the stories that make
your family unique. By Team Seniors Today.
In India, economic necessities force know something more meaningful about
parents and their grown-up children each other.
to live together under one roof, unless Team Seniors Today put together
children are in transferable jobs. In the questions, conversation pieces that
lower middle class families, housing is big would foster, deeper connection, and
problem and sometimes the veil of privacy understanding and create lasting
is paper thin and one can hear what one emotional connect. These questions
would rather not. are designed to spark interesting and
How well do we know each other on entertaining conversations to help family
a deeper level, the closest and most members know more about each other’s
important people in our lives? Living through their thoughts and experiences.
together and yet living in a world of their We hope you can create an environment
own. Covid-19 changed the dynamics of where trust and love can flourish when
relationships. Suddenly, parents, children, you show genuine interest in each other
grandchildren were all locked up together lives, feelings and perspectives. This would
and didn’t know what to do. There was lead to greater empathy, compassion
death in close proximity either within making it easier to support each other
the family or in the circle of friendship. during difficult times.
Tempers often reached a boiling point and Each family has a unique heritage and a
yet there was a feeling that one needed to sense of shared identity. Conversations can