Page 9 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 9

unique full-time specialist system. Over           the only residential institute in India
         the past 15 years, Kokilaben Hospital,             dedicated to creating leadership in strategic
         which has consistently been rated as the           marketing and communication. She has
         top multispecialty hospital in Mumbai              also recently taken over as president of the
         and Western India, has bridged many a              Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information
         healthcare gap. It has also continued to           and Communication Technology (DA-
         widen its healthcare embrace, including            IICT), which is now recognised as a
         the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani                     multidisciplinary education and research
         Hospitals in Navi Mumbai and Indore, as            university. “Building on its legacy of
         well as the cancer care centres in Akola,          excellence, we aim to make it a world-class
         Gondia and Solapur, part of Ambani’s               multidisciplinary institution, dedicated
         landmark initiative to take cancer care to         to driving positive social change and
         the hinterland. Most significant, she has          contributing to the advancement and well-
         ensured that her hospitals endeavour not           being of communities,” she emphasises.
         to turn back a single patient owing to lack         It all begs the question: With such
         of funds.                                          a laundry list of commitments and
          “We are all here with a purpose. If you           responsibilities, is life somewhat of a
         have the power to change another person’s          juggling act for Ambani? “Not at all!” she
         life, you must do it,” she says softly. “India     exclaims with a chuckle. “Women are born
         is undoubtedly making its presence                 multitaskers. The strength of a woman can
         felt as an emerging power in the world.            carry the weight of the world, they say.
         However, while our financial and physical          I think if one looks upon each challenge
         infrastructure is on everyone’s mind, we           as an opportunity to excel, one can move
         have paid little attention to building our         mountains. Also, if you are committed to
         social infrastructure. Until we commit             what you are doing, you will do it well, no
         ourselves to building a truly inclusive            matter how much work you have. Passion
         society that carries every segment along,          is the key to the success of any project.”
         words like development and progress                And what about the energy? “It comes
         mean very little. This must be a priority          from within,” comes the reply. “When you
         for both our government and the private
          Thus, she takes her position as CSR
         chairperson of Reliance Group very
         seriously. “I firmly believe that power
         demands principle,” she underlines.
         “We must consider the interests of
         society in every step we take and make
         a firm commitment to give back to the
         communities that nourish and sustain us.”
          Further, Ambani is also chairperson of the
         Mudra Foundation for Communications
         Research and Education – one of its                To her left: Son Anshul, husband Anil, mother-in-law Kokilaben
         main activities is the prestigious MICA,           and to her right son Anmol and his wife Khrisha

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