Page 11 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 11

Khrisha, Anmol and Anshul are the
         founders of Jnanganj, a shared vision
         that unites a community and network
         of those aiming to envision and build
         a ‘New Earth’, based on principles
         of kindness, compassion, harmony,
         regeneration, oneness and love, drawing
         on ancient wisdom, radical thinking,
         honest intentions and powerful tools and
         technologies. “Witnessing the degradation
         of society, culture, health and wellbeing
         of all living beings and the planet, we
         feel compelled to develop, design and
         support solutions to the complex problems
         that we are facing – on an emotional,
         psychological, physical, metaphysical and
         spiritual level,” they say.                        With mother-in-law Kokilaben
          Their areas of focus include integrated           a true gladiator. In fact, my father-in-law
         health and holistic healing; alternative           Dhirubhai Ambani once described him to
         and vocational education; regenerative             me as a ‘lion’. That really says it all.”
         agriculture and natural food systems                Downtime for Ambani also includes
         (Jnana Farms, helmed by Anshul, is up              watching late-night talk shows and
         and running); clean, free and alternative          stand-up comedy on her iPad – “a great
         energy; environmental protection and               destressor” – in addition to following
         animal conservation; ancient wisdom                political news. “It is very important to be
         and spirituality; indigenous traditions            clutched into what is happening in India
         and communities; conscious media, art              and overseas,” she says. “It makes you see
         and culture; and natural and sustainable           the bigger picture.”
         community living. “The children’s work              Part of that bigger picture is knowing
         is truly inspiring and they have opened a          her own place in the world. “The past few
         new world to us,” she says with pride.             years, with the lockdown and global churn,
          Another incredible source of learning             have reinforced my long-held conviction
         – and strength – is her husband. “Anil             that we are all mere custodians of the
         really is the wind beneath my wings,”              privileges we inherit and the world we
         she confesses, her eyes softening. “He has         inhabit,” she asserts. “Our duty is to pay
         always shared my dreams and impelled               forward what we get to the next generation,
         me to be all I could possibly be. I learn          making a difference in whatever way
         from him every day. At home, he is a               we can, sparking change, touching lives.
         deeply spiritual man; a devoted son,               Power, prestige, wealth – these tangibles
         loving husband and doting father. In the           are illusory, fleeting, transient. It is the
         professional arena, he is tireless in his          intangible gains of the spirit and soul that
         pursuit of knowledge and excellence. He            give life purpose and meaning. And keep
         tackles new challenges with relish and is          you recharged for the next day at work!”

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #57 | MARCH 2024                                                              11
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