Page 26 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 26
Contrastingly, my childhood summer larger cosmic design and purpose.
vacations were about going down south The seasonal fruits of the past are now
to ‘hotter-than-Bombay (before it was available through the year, thanks to
renamed ) places like Karur, Salem, Erode, technology and modern farming and
Madras (now Chennai – everyone wants grafting methods. Take for example,
to change names, but not transform) to mangoes. Earlier, one used to salivate and
spend time with various relatives. The wait for the king of fruits to be available
travels were invariably by booked-months- in the peak of summer between March
in-advance-seats in 3rd class trains. On and May each year. It is now available
reaching the destination, the ride from the practically from January onwards, much
station to homes was invariably by horse or before the onset of the real summer. The
cattle carts, which were a thrill and a joy of taste and flavour have obviously taken a
a different kind. No fancy air-conditioned beating, as any connoisseur will tell you.
transportation. An anachronism maybe I remember my parents buying Alphonso
today, but unforgettable rides. mangoes in April , when the prime crop
start arriving, in crates of five dozen each.
It used to be stored and stacked neatly, so
that the siblings could pick and choose (
and many times fight too ) the best ones
and finish them off slurplingly. In the late
60s and early 70s, it used to be available,
hold your breath, at Rs 15 per dozen, which
used to be bargained down to Rs 12 per
dozen. I still remember clearly the tall
Afghan seller with a smiling countenance
Travels down south by trains. Representative picture and even tone, who used to come to our
Those hoary vacations to ‘native places’ home regularly and supply us with the best
were experiences of a different kind. They mangoes. He was extraordinarily reliable
were more about bonding, storytelling and and trustworthy and used to replenish the
learning of a different kind. stock through the summer season. By the
Today, if it is summer, people rush to way, the same Afghan (he must be in his
cooler places. If it is winter, they horde early eighties now ) still supplies mangoes
to warmer places. If it is monsoon, they to some of our family members.
travel to dryer places. If it is plains, they Talking of mangoes, there is an interesting
go to hills and if it is the hills, they come story about how hapus (or a variety of
down to earth. This exhibits a behavioural mangoes) got famous the world over.
tendency to escape nature due to perceived It seems a Parsi by the name of Framji
hardships of inclement climes. The Cowasji Banaji had leased out thousands
abundance of seasons and atmosphere of acres of land in Powai area of Mumbai,
is nature’s design for the well-being of from the British in the 1820s and planted
humans and is meant to be experienced lakhs of mango trees leading to rich harvest.
in all its pleasant and not-so-pleasant Obviously with an intent to monetise his
manifestations. Most are indifferent to this fields, he wanted to export the mangoes to