Page 26 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 26
any previous episodes of diverticulitis. be necessary to remove the affected
A physical examination may include portion of the colon. This procedure is
palpation of the abdomen to check for typically reserved for individuals who
tenderness or swelling. have recurrent episodes of diverticulitis
Diagnostic tests such as blood tests, stool or complications such as abscesses or
tests, and imaging studies may also be used perforations.
to confirm the diagnosis. Blood tests can
help identify signs of infection, while stool Lifestyle changes to manage diverticulitis
tests can rule out other possible causes of Making certain lifestyle changes can help
symptoms. Imaging studies, such as a CT manage diverticulitis and prevent future
scan or ultrasound, can provide a detailed flare-ups. One of the most important
view of the colon and help identify any changes is adopting a high-fibre diet. Fibre
diverticula or signs of inflammation. helps add bulk to the stool and promote
regular bowel movements, reducing
Treatment options for diverticulitis the risk of diverticula formation and
The treatment for diverticulitis depends on constipation. Foods rich in fiber include
the severity of the condition. Mild cases of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and
diverticulitis can often be managed at home legumes.
with conservative measures, while more In addition to a high-fibre diet, regular
severe cases may require hospitalisation exercise can also help maintain a healthy
and medical intervention. digestive system. Exercise helps stimulate
For mild cases, treatment may involve bowel movements and promote overall
rest, pain management, and a clear digestive health. Quitting smoking and
liquid diet to give the colon time to heal. limiting alcohol consumption are also
Antibiotics may also be prescribed to clear recommended, as they can contribute to
the infection. As symptoms improve, a digestive issues and increase the risk of
gradual transition to a low-fibre diet is diverticulitis.
typically recommended to prevent future
flare-ups. Prevention of diverticulitis
While it may not be possible to prevent
diverticulitis entirely, there are steps
that can be taken to reduce the risk of
developing the condition. One of the most
effective measures is adopting a high-
fiber diet. By including plenty of fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in
your diet, you can promote regular bowel
movements and prevent constipation.
Staying hydrated is also important for
In more severe cases, hospitalisation may maintaining healthy digestion. Drinking
be required for intravenous antibiotics plenty of water throughout the day helps
and close monitoring. In some cases, a soften the stool and prevent dehydration,
procedure called a colon resection may which can contribute to constipation.