Page 25 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 25
Causes of diverticulitis may be more likely to develop it yourself.
One of the main causes of diverticulitis is Additionally, certain lifestyle factors,
a low-fibre diet. When the diet lacks fiber, such as a sedentary lifestyle, obesity,
the stool becomes bulky and difficult to and smoking, can increase the risk of
pass, leading to increased pressure in the diverticulitis.
colon. This increased pressure can cause Signs and symptoms of diverticulitis
the formation of diverticula. Other factors The symptoms of diverticulitis can vary
that may contribute to the development in severity and may include abdominal
of diverticulitis include aging, genetic pain, bloating, fever, and changes in bowel
predisposition, and certain lifestyle habits. habits. The most common symptom is
As mentioned earlier, a low-fibre diet abdominal pain, which is usually localised
is a significant contributing factor to the in the lower left side of the abdomen. The
development of diverticulitis. Fiber is pain can range from mild to severe and
essential for maintaining regular bowel may worsen with movement or pressure.
movements and preventing constipation. Bloating and a feeling of fullness in the
When the diet lacks fiber, the stool becomes abdomen are also common symptoms.
hard and difficult to pass, increasing the Other symptoms of diverticulitis may
risk of diverticula formation. In addition include fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting.
to a low-fibre diet, other lifestyle habits Changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea
such as smoking and lack of exercise or constipation, may also occur. In severe
can also increase the risk of developing cases, complications such as abscesses,
diverticulitis. bowel obstructions, or even perforations
may occur. These complications can lead to
more severe symptoms, including severe
abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and signs
of infection.
Risk factors for diverticulitis
Several risk factors can increase an
individual’s likelihood of developing
diverticulitis. The primary risk factor
is age, as diverticulitis tends to be more
common in older adults. The risk increases
significantly after the age of 40, and by the Diagnosing diverticulitis
age of 60, the majority of individuals will Diagnosing diverticulitis typically
have diverticula in their colon. involves a combination of medical history,
Genetics also play a role in the physical examination, and diagnostic
development of diverticulitis. If you have tests. The medical history will include
a family history of the condition, you questions about symptoms, duration, and