Page 27 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 27
Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy
weight, and avoiding smoking and
excessive alcohol consumption are also or remove the affected portion of the colon.
recommended to reduce the risk of Early detection and prompt treatment can
diverticulitis. help prevent further complications and
improve outcomes.
Complications of diverticulitis
While most cases of diverticulitis can be Prevent and treat this condition
managed with appropriate treatment and proactively
lifestyle changes, complications can occur Diverticulitis is a medical condition that
in some individuals. These complications can cause significant discomfort and
can range from mild to severe and may impact an individual’s quality of life. By
require medical intervention. Some understanding the causes, recognising
possible complications of diverticulitis the symptoms, and seeking appropriate
include abscesses, which are pockets of treatment, individuals can take control of
pus that develop in the affected area, bowel their health and minimise the impact of this
obstructions, which can occur when the condition. By adopting a high-fiber diet,
inflamed diverticula narrow the passage of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and seeking
the stool, and perforations, which are tears regular medical care, individuals with
or holes in the diverticula or colon. diverticulitis can find relief and prevent
If any of these complications occur, future flare-ups. With proper care and
immediate medical attention is necessary. management, the impact of diverticulitis
Treatment may involve antibiotics, can be minimised, allowing individuals to
drainage of abscesses, or surgery to repair lead a healthier and more comfortable life.