Page 16 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 16
Hitting the sweet spot —
Gujarati cuisine
Malti Gaekwad cooks up a mouth-watering food journey which forms an
intrinsic component of Gujarati cuisine
Indian food and the variety it has, has always signature dishes which are now reaching the
been an interesting subject with foodies across common Indian, largely through Heritage
the world. The huge diversity of our country hotels and their restaurants.
in its terrain and agricultural output itself As communities we may be stickers for our
contribute largely to the variety we see in our own food be it aloo paratha or chhole bhature
local and basic food. Firstly there is a north- for a Punjabi and idli sambar for a Tamilian.
south divide. The majority of North Indians In an individual capacity we are opening
are wheat eaters whereas the Southern States up to trying different foods as we travel and
consume more of rice. From these two major explore through the country and outside it
regions emerged many tasty dishes. Which too.
were initially meant to provide a staple Thaali is a popular thing and easy to order
nutrition. Adding spice and flavours to the especially when we travel. It provides a
original spread, of the various influences of balanced, nutritious meal along with a variety
the invaders, mainly Mughal (not so much the of things. Best for an “on the move” busy
British.) person who doesn’t want to waste time on
We know that it is rich Mughlai cuisine deciding what to order. In the Western parts
which has left a lasting impact on Indian food of our country the popularity of a thaali is the
probably for the better. Another influence is highest. The Gujarati thaali features at the top
seen coming from the many Royal kitchens as the choice even outside Gujarat. Obviously
that dotted our vast country. Each Royal the best thaali is available in Ahmedabad and
family prided itself in having its own Vadodara.