Page 21 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 21


        Pain – our common denominator

        We all understand pain well as we’ve all been through different types and
        intensities of it. While most painful conditions are usually treatable with
        home remedies and rest, it’s always better to be vigilant and informed,
        writes Dr Nandini Saini

         An uncomfortable feeling, ranging from             Abdominal pain
         a prick or tingle to a severe throbbing or         Abdominal pain can be due to a lot of
         pulsating sensation. Everyone suffers from         reasons, depending on the area affected.
         it due to some reason, which could be very         It could vary from mild to excruciating,
         mild, or an indication of a deeper illness.        constant to spasmodic, depending on the
         We often tend to ignore the aches and              cause.
         pains in our body, though it’s our nervous         - Right sided
         systems way of signaling that something            A sudden, unbearable pain in the right
         is wrong. Most people will try home                lower side of the abdomen could be
         remedies, like in ice pack, oil massages,          appendicitis, an infection in the appendix.
         and poultice.  There are, however, a few           It can be accompanied by nausea and
         conditions, which definitely shouldn’t be          vomiting.
         ignored.                                            Pains in the upper right abdomen,
          So, what could the pain indicate? It              increasing in intensity gradually, can
         depends on the body part affected, and             be indicative of gall stones. It is usually
         the reasons could be as simple as a sprain.        accompanied by indigestion, nausea, a
         It could also be a more severe condition,          sensation of heaviness in the abdomen. In
         requiring extensive checkups and                   extreme cases, the gall bladder ruptures,
         treatment.                                         making it an emergency.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #40 | OCTOBER 2022                                                            21
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