Page 20 - Seniorstoday September 2022 Issue
P. 20
knowledge about brahmastra), the main
protagonist’s imperviousness to fire, the
antagonist invoking the supreme power
of what looks like a Shiva silhouette and
going after certain brahmansh members to
harness the brahmastra, bandying about
words like brahmadanda, agnyastra,
etc. Notwithstanding the creative licence
and liberty of the film’s creators, it is at
best a fatuous reference to the scriptures
and beliefs of the Hindus. To be fair, and
thankfully so, religious sentiments have
not been hurt, though sections of the social
media have tried to raise a controversy to
disgrace the film and troll it. Hopefully,
Part Two and Part Three in the planned for the basics of rituals and festivals and
trilogy will do justice to a serious topic that prayers and visits to temples, churches,
the title represents and make it meaningful mosques, agiaries and synagogues,
and relevant. 99.99% of the respective religionists will
This begs the question about the be clueless, save at a superfluous level,
awareness of brahmastra or its scriptural about their scriptures, genesis, evolution
significance even amongst the followers and the deeper significance. Less said
of the religion. While the story (it is the the better about their understanding of
usual masala mix of love and action) did the other religions; that is asking for too
not resonate with me much and I did not much, I suppose. The confusing overload
like it except for the VFX and I said so to of a million information on the net and
my family, I got an incredulous look of media and the notorious WhatsApp (WA)
surprise from one and a justification that it University disseminations only add to the
is all about the Hindu mythology. Hardly pitiable state. When the scriptures are not
that, I will say. We agreed to disagree in taught in the formative years, how can
a conciliatory note. I also talked to some there be any knowledge or wisdom about
of my friends and acquaintances to know any religion at all, except at superfluous
about their understanding of brahmastra. levels dished out on celluloid.
Not surprisingly, except for a vague Quite frankly, I do not remember the last
impression about it being some kind of a time that my children or nephews or nieces
weapon (astra) of mass destruction, none or friends’ children (from across religions)
knew about it in detail or its reference in might have visited their respective places
the scriptures. One added a metaphoric of worship. In a lighter vein, a Christian
dimension to say that it is a generic term to friend of mine had this simple story to
mean a ‘solution of last resort’ in life. tell: There was this smart schoolgoing
It is not about just Hindus. I suspect kid full of bean and enthusiasm who was
that across religions, be it Christianity not particular about visiting the church
or Islam or Zoroastrians or Jews, except regularly. Her mother used to keep telling