Page 28 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 28

lifestyle. While little can be done about
                                                            our past indulgences or infractions, we
                                                            can proactively look at how best to handle
                                                            our current health situation and control
                                                            and improve it. If you have diabetes or
                                                            cholesterol, review and control food
                                                            consumption, exercise and jog and keep your
                                                            mental faculties active and alert. If you are
                                                            a heart patient, be proactive in following the
                                                            doctor’s advice and abide by it. If you have
                                                            any joint or muscle pains, do exercises to
                                                            alleviate it. If you have flexibility problems,
                                                            do the stretching exercises.
         Being older is not an excuse to stay inert. Find out what   Whatever be the case or the severity, be
         you can do, and what you like, and enjoy life
                                                            active as necessary and advised. Play games
         when people of yore used to move away to           that you can handle – try being a child all
         jungles to contemplate) is when you start          over; you will be rejuvenated. Enjoy the hugs
         sharing your wisdom and experiences                with your partner. Spend time with your
         and mentor others. You will find your              family and friends. Travel, go an adventure
         former juniors earning more than you,              trip, discover new places. Learn to dance,
         reaching higher positions than you, leading        learn to sing. Whatever it may be, stay active.
         a company, etc. Similarly, you may find            Old age is no excuse to stay inert.
         your own children surpassing what you              I know of a runners group (aptly called
         had achieved. You ought to be celebrating          the Zippers Club, denoting the surgical
         such successes and feel good at your               scar running down their chest; I was
         own contributions to their achievement.            briefly a part of it till my right knee gave
         Retirement calls for a lot of forbearance or       me a warning) consisting mostly of
         what one would call as titiksa. At the end         bypass patients in their late 60s and mid
         of the day, you have had your place under          70s practicing running regularly and
         the sun in your prime and now you need to          participating in half marathons. That’s zest
         make space to let others enjoy their place         for life. That’s joie de vivre! Do you live life or
         under the sun. Without this positivity of          let life just pass – it is up to you.
         mind and self-confidence, we may go down           3) Financial – This is simply about the
         an abyss of depression. After all, life is a       most complex part of our life – our finances
         journey to be cherished from start to end          – and how well one is equipped to handle it.
         regardless of our relative position.               Financial independence is obviously a good
         2) Physiological – One of the greatest joys        thing, but how many of us are lucky enough
         of life is to have good health and an active       to have pension or sufficient savings. Are
         life. There could be only three possibilities      you managing whatever you have to ensure
         – we are in good health, in average health         that it gets you some tax efficient returns
         or in poor health – all of which are a result      to cover your inflation covered living costs.
         of our past discipline (or indiscipline) in        Do you consult an investment advisor?
         ingestion of food, regimen of exercises and        Do you do some research and homework

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