Page 29 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 29
yourselves? Do you review and revise your
investments periodically? Have your spread
your fixed deposits over several banks?
How many of them are with PSU banks
(for relatively better safety since they are
majority owned by the government)? Do you
spend too much on your credit card? Are
you insured for medical and hospitalisation
expenses? Investment decisions are not
easy to make and there are no guarantees
of safety of capital or returns. Cases like
collapse of PMC bank, M S Coop Bank,
etc., are dime a dozen, where people have
lost their life time savings and left high
and dry. The point is that we actively need
to keep a close watch on our investments,
the income that they generate, what are
our expenses and what are the superficial
ones that we can cut out, reducing life style
expenses and saving for the future. Never
hesitate to reach out to someone whom you
trust. Yes, you heard me right – saving is Meditation and yoga are some of the things that can help
necessary at every stage in life, given the achieve peace of mind and confidence to face each day
longer life spans of people. Those who have prepared for the final passage. Meditation,
the inclination can look at second careers yoga, spiritual discourses, satsangs,
too – many startups and portals offer full chanting - all of these help in achieving some
time or part time jobs to retired people. Most inner peace of mind and confidence to face
will have an average of 20 to 25 years of each day with renewed vim and vigour.
post-retirement existence and they need to Life is a boon and it is up to each of us to
make their finances stretch and work over make the most of it. A belief followed by
that long phase. If it is any solace, you will practice is what will get us there. Since
be surprised to know that most of us can do turning a senior citizen, the writer, for the
with very little to survive, if health is good. first time in his life has done high altitude
4) Spiritual – This is a long and a complex and physically challenging treks like Kailash
subject. We all had a beginning and we all Manasarover and Everest Base Camp, 4
will have an end. We all come into the world Half Marathons and one 25 KMs Ultra run,
alone and will exit the world alone. Whether learnt Vedanta and Sanskrit, tried dancing,
we are atheists, agnostics or theists, we all has taught at alma mater, gives motivational
subconsciously know the law of nature. talks and mentors start-ups. If the writer
To encapsulate it briefly, it is about letting can do these, so can you! As they say, we are
go, avoid coveting, having equanimity of limited only by our mind.
mind, being detached and dispassionate, When we discover ourselves, we are never
discovering our Inner Self and being desolate. Live life, Senior size!