Page 30 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 30
Moments with
Dr Arun Dravid remembers
Gana-Tapaswini Mogubai
Kurdikar, with whom he was
closely associated
I fondly and respectfully remember my long simplicity of her attire and her demeanor.
years of association with Gana-Tapaswini She graciously sat amongst us, and after
late Smt Mogubai Kurdikar (Maai), and I some pleasantries, I was introduced to her
am pleased to write about my memories as a boy currently taking lessons from Majid
and narrate a few anecdotes about her Khan Saheb. She became curious, and asked
disciplined and exemplary life. me to sing something that I had learnt. I
My very first introduction to Maai was gathered courage, tuned her Tanpura (at
when I was about 12 years old. I had been that time my voice had not yet matured,
taking lessons from my first Guru, late and my pitch was the same as hers!), and
Ustaad Majid Khan Saheb. Although at started singing Bhimpalas. After I presented
that stage I did not know the intricacies of it for ten minutes, I stopped. Maai smiled at
Jaipur gayaki, Maai’s gramophone records me, and asked me if what I sang was really
had mesmerized me. I had nurtured an taught by Majid Khan Saheb. I sheepishly
irresistible urge to meet the legendary said yes. She gave a nod of disapproval, and
Gana Tapaswini and seek her blessings. By said that she didn’t think so. She said that
my good fortune, my brother’s friend Mr. he would never teach me the sequence Ma-
Ankolekar, who was a friend of Maai’s son Dha-Pa which I had used repeatedly. Then
Ulhas (Babu), organised to take my brother I nervously admitted that it was my own
and me to meet Maai at her residence at indiscretion. She laughed, and told me never
Gowalia Tank. It was about 4 p.m. When to sing that phrase again in Bhimpalas! She
Maai entered the inside room where we furthermore said that Ustaad Majid Khan
had been waiting, I was stunned by the had put good voice culture into my voice,