Page 38 - SeniorsToday May20
P. 38

Court disappears. “It appears that the court
                                                            proceeded only on the basis of its subjective
                                                            satisfaction to arrive at the conclusion that
                                                            the conditions were not to the benefit of
                                                            senior citizens ignoring the basis nature
                                                            of a concession given on the basis of
                                                            administrative policy and ignoring the effect
                                                            that they could have on the concessionaries.”
                                                            Relying on earlier judgements, the Supreme
                                                            Court held that it is not for the Court to
                                                            interfere in matter of policy as that is a

         There may be a catch in that discounted flight, so read the   decision for the administrators on an
         terms and conditions carefully                     examination of the various facets before
         other and that it was a duty of all citizens       them and the inputs they receive from
         of this country to ensure a comfortable and        various sources.
         happy life to its senior citizens. Hence, they     The Court allowed the appeal and
         said, there was no error in the order of the       concluded: “The very basis of this
         High Court.                                        judgement is that a decision to grant a
         After hearing the arguments, the Supreme           certain concession or a certain benefit and
         Court opined that a concession granted by a        the conditions for their grant are a matter
         carrier is a concession only, and no person is     for the administrators alone and the court
         entitled to insist that the concession should      should not interfere in the matter on the
         be with conditions determined by that              premise that it was of the opinion that some
         person. Once it is held that no beneficiary        of the conditions imposed were not justified.
         of a concession has a right to insist on a         A concession based on an administrative
         particular condition or conditions, the            decision de hors a statute as in this case
         very basis for the judgement of the High           stands on a yet weaker footing.”

         In the 2004 case filed by a senior citizen, the airline and Indian Railways were issued notices

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