Page 42 - SeniorsToday May20
P. 42

Aam panna – The tangy sweet Indian
                                                            summer cold drink. A perfect summer
                                                            cooler made with raw mangoes. Its rich in
                                                            fibre, carbohydrates, Vitamins – A, B1, B2,
                                                            C, minerals – calcium, iron, magnesium,
                                                            potassium and sodium and essential
                                                            nutrients. Among its health benefits, it
                                                            hydrates, improves digestion, helps fight
                                                            depression, prevents dry eyes and can
                                                            prevent cancer.
         Tomato – Juicy sweet ripe tomatoes not
         only make your dish delicious but are
         also extremely nutritious. A great source
         of Vitamin C, potassium and antioxidant.
         Cooked tomatoes contain higher
         antioxidants than fresh. Health benefits
         of tomatoes include reduced risk of heart
         conditions, lower cancer risk, keeping blood
         pressure in control, improving blood sugar
         and insulin levels, eye health and skin. How
         about some gazpacho?

                                                            Spinach – The nutritious greens protect
                                                            your skin from sun damage. Consuming raw
                                                            leaves in summer will provide you with the
                                                            most nutrients. Spinach is low in carbs and
                                                            high in fibre that provides better digestion.
                                                            However, if you have kidney stones it is
                                                            best to avoid spinach as it may have adverse
                                                            effects. Toss a bowl of spinach salad as a
                                                            healthy refreshing snack.

         Zucchini – The refreshing summer veggie
         to keep you light. It is packed with variety
         of vitamins and antioxidants. Cooked
         zucchini is high in Vitamin A as opposed
         to uncooked. It aids heart health, reduces
         blood sugar levels and strengthens vision.
         Zucchini benefits bones, thyroid and
         prostate health. A versatile veggie to add to
         your salad, pasta or sandwiches or you may
         toss it in some olive oil.

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