Page 40 - SeniorsToday May20
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the productivity of their labor force with
AI technologies and automate some tasks,
productivity is bound to gain multi-folds in
the short and long term.
Exploiting the potential
The rapid increase in the usage of Artificial
Intelligence techniques is one of the defining
With concepts like the smart city and the internet of moments for business leaders today. Along
things, AI is already impacting life in many ways with it, closely associated is the challenge
Instead, you have to give a lot of examples of creating an organisation that can rise to
of right and wrong, and the technology is the occasion and exploit the potential of
capable of learning from it, just like humans. AI at scale. Artificial Intelligence is poised
to revolutionise all facets of our lives-
Better accuracy unparalleled customer service enhanced
Once AI learns how to solve a problem, it productivity and scaled up operations are
can solve it much faster, again and again some clear benefits of AI. It is an excellent
with better accuracy levels. Say, for example, substitute for the tasks that are repetitive
it can recognise the voice, find what is in a and mundane in nature; this allows the
picture, diagnose a disease, detect fraud and employees to shift their focus to more
so on. Virtual assistants like Alexa, Google strategic and value-added activities.
Home, Smartphones, Speech recognition are As of now, AI technology is benign, but it
some examples of how we are engaging with has started to explode and has huge potential
AI every day. Around the globe, companies to grow. It requires distilling intelligence
are beginning to leverage AI to meet into an algorithmic construct that will be
customer demands and expectations better. comparable to the human brain, and make
AI achieves these tasks much faster and this technology more profound. Once we
cheaper than humans. It is the ability of walk through this door, there is a reasonably
AI that tasks these machines to perform good chance we won’t be able to come back.
a cognitive function like human minds By the looks of it, AI is gradually going to
say reasoning, learning and so on. These amplify our world in the years to come.
‘narrow’ AIs can easily perform a range
of tasks- the direction in GPS, Amazon
recommendations, autonomous cars, and
non-intrusive surgeries are just a few
It is the data processing/computing
power that is making AI so popular.
With increasing computing power, data
proliferation is what is propelling AI from
hype to reality. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
is becoming more profound in our day to Voice-driven search is already taken for granted by many
day living. As companies seek to augment smartphone users