Page 7 - SeniorsToday May20
P. 7

If the Holocaust was the biggest tragedy           free food, simple dal-khichdi that could
         for the Jews, then the Partition was               provide warmth in the stomach, water to
         India’s biggest tragedy. Now we are                drink and a place to rest before moving
         watching lakhs and lakhs of migrants               on or even a pair of shoes to walk home.
         walking all the way home, wherever their           What you see in this mass of humanity
         home is. To me this is India’s biggest             is an explosion of cooperation, where
         tragedy after the Partition. It is the             the poor have walked through this cruel
         mother of all road shows; now the whole            journey together with their friends,
         world knows the face of the real India and         brothers, families and children. Each
         also Indians themselves.                           one has cared for the other. This kind of
          For about over a month we have seen               empathy is a quality of the poor.
         images and stories of lakhs and lakhs of
         migrant workers trudging thousands of              No one’s people
         miles across the length and breadth of             The tragedy of 16 people crushed to
         this country. Watching a sea of humanity           death on the tracks near Aurangabad
         walk from one place to the other; young            should hurt us and prick our collective
         able-bodied men and women begging                  conscience. Where are the netas who
         for food, standing in long queues from             promise the world when they come to
         6 in the morning hoping that at 12 noon            seek votes? May be a few of them should
         when their turn comes, they would be               do the 500-mile trek across the country
         able to get some food. During this trudge,         to understand what real hardship is. Can
         many may have died, parents could have             India see its own poverty? Does it make
         abandoned their little kids because they           you feel sad? For a moment, get out of
         no longer could feed them. The migrants            yourself and look at your face in the face
         have one compulsive emotion and that               of the poor to understand what poverty is.
         is the need to get back to their family –          Do their lives have any meaning? What do
         parents, wife and kids. This is extreme            words like social distancing, self-esteem,
         cruelty. Human suffering at its worst.             dignity mean to this mass of invisible
         Why did this happen? Who subjected                 labourers who are no one’s people. Do
         these people to such extreme cruelty?              their lives have any meaning? What
          Why didn’t someone take over the                  would happen once they get home? Are
         dhabas on the way and give these people            they carrying the virus back with them
                                                            amongst all their burdens? What kind of a
                                                            life will they go back to?
                                                             It is cruel to see and hear statisticians,
                                                            political analysts, economists, social
                                                            activists and a whole bunch of people who
                                                            appear on television mouthing platitudes
                                                            on the poverty line, the GDP per capita,
                                                            all the schemes that the government is
                                                            implementing to make life better… soon
                                                            a lot of armchair spokespersons whose
        The young and the helpless – is this India’s future  job is to speak will make PowerPoint

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #11 | MAY 2020                                                                7
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