Page 12 - SeniorsToday May20
P. 12

As far as cab rides for transportation are
         concerned, avoid sharing a cab. If you have
         no other choice but to share one, make
         sure it has no more than two passengers,
         you included. When you enter the vehicle,
         ensure that the driver and your co-passenger
         are wearing a mask and gloves. Avoid paying
         with cash and make an online transaction
         instead. Once you reach your destination,
         wash your hands and face. Sanitise your bag,
         phone or any other belonging that you were         Avoid ordering food, eat at home to minimise contact and
         carrying in your hands.                            ensure a healthy diet
          At present, public means of local                 them in sunlight for 2-3 hours. In the case
         transportation such as metros and local            of fruits and vegetables, rinse and clean
         trains are not in use, until the potential         them in soap water followed by clean water
         threat of the virus is not following us            rinsing. Only after you have cleaned the food
         everywhere into crowded places.                    items, place them in the refrigerator. Wash
         Once these modes of commuting are back             them once before consuming the fruit or
         in use, let’s try maintaining social distance,     vegetable as well.
         which might be hard, considering the               Avoid ordering food from outside. The
         working population of the country. Keep            restaurants and eateries will have to take
         your face and hands covered at all times,          certain measures to ensure clean sanitised
         wear a protective layer over your clothes          food stations and deliveries, but until
         and dispose it as soon as you reach your           minimum standards of sanitation are not
         destination while also sanitising your             set for these places, it would not be sensible
         belongings. Or you could wear a raincoat           to get food delivered. If you do order, make
         over your work clothes and carry with you          sure that they have clean cooking stations
         a clean poly bag that you keep separately,         and their staff is tested regularly, all of this
         remove the coat once you reach your                information is not easy to come by. Refrain
         harbour and place it in the bag. Wear it again     from ordering cold foods or salads. Order
         on your back home. Once home, put it in            food you can reheat easily. Again, if you
         detergent water and let it dry in the sunlight.    do order, get your food double-packed
         Ready to be used again.                            and ask the delivery person to leave it at
                                                            your doorstep/gate and make an online
         Goods delivery persons, Food delivery              transaction.
         services: if you have someone deliver goods
         at your place, ask them to double-pack             Workplace: Work from home was fun in
         them and leave the items at your doorstep/         the beginning, now we haven’t come out of
         society gate. Discard the outer packaging          our jammies in a very long time. We’ll soon
         either outside the house into a covered bin        have to get out of our comfy home attire and
         or immediately in your house before you            change into our formal shirts and suits. But
         put the bag on a surface. Take the items out       what measures should you take once you’re
         of the bag, if they are packaged goods, keep       at work?

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